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  • Conventional/Inverted Insulation
    Solutions for thermal
    and moisture insulation
    Conventional/Inverted Insulation
    Solutions for thermal and moisture insulation
    Depending on the use/ needs of the building, there are two solutions for the thermal and moisture insulation of the roof: conventional and inverted insulation.

    Conventional Insulation:



    In this application, the Thermal Insulation Material of Expanded Polystyrene (EPS) is placed underneath the layer of moisture insulation.

    The layer of moisture insulation, due to its direct exposure to weather conditions, requires the selection of a suitable sealing material to prevent premature aging.



    Inverted Insulation:


    In this application, the Thermal Insulation Material of Expanded Polystyrene (EPS) is placed on top of the layer of moisture insulation.

    • The layer of moisture insulation is not easily accessible for possible checks of correct operation.
    • Very good drainage solutions are required on the roof before the layer of moisture insulation to prevent stagnant water between the moisture insulation and the thermal insulation.

    (*) We recommend seeking reliable information from our technical support department, which will help you choose the appropriate solution for your building, as well as the correct selection of application materials.

    Ζητήστε έγκυρη ενημέρωση από το τμήμα τεχνικής υποστήριξης της εταιρείας μας, το οποίο θα σας βοηθήσει να επιλέξετε την κατάλληλη λύση για το κτίριο σας καθώς και την σωστή επιλογή των υλικών εφαρμογής.

    Conventional Insulation


    • The thermal insulation material (EPS) is protected by the waterproofing layer.
    • It prevents water penetration under the thermal insulation layer (EPS), which could lead to thermal insulation loss and condensation problems.
    • The waterproofing layer is easily accessible for easy monitoring of its proper functioning.
    • In case of deficiencies or insufficient slopes, the EPS technique with slopes or the creation of slopes using the lightweight thermal insulation product ecobeton can be used before waterproofing


    Inverted Insulation


    • The waterproofing layer is protected by the thermal insulation material (EPS), thus preventing premature aging or damage caused by direct exposure to the external environment.
    • By using specific final coating materials (on top of the thermal insulation layer), the building can acquire characteristics of complete impermeability.
    Conventional/Inverted Insulation
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